Wednesday, January 27, 2010


First, let me start this post by saying that someone is reading these posts, but because I'm not very technological, I don't really know how many people.  I am enjoying doing them, but think I would be better motivated if I had a larger audience than my two sisters and a few nieces and cousins.  So far, the only written blog comment I've had is from my sister, and some emails from some very nice friends.

I'm not sure I have anything to say, but really love writing and sharing stories.  I've always driven people crazy where I worked telling my stories, so now I can do it and only drive the people crazy who care to read them.  And they can be driven crazy on their own timetable and in their own home.  So it's a much better scenario. 

Increasingly, as I approach the big  six o,  so many people of our age are dealing with elderly parents.  My older sister, who is a few years older than I, has for the past three years or so emailed me details of the drama that many of her friends are living through with their parents.

They include some of the issues that have been dealt with in these posts:  people taking advantage of the elderly, especially financially; care issues; placement issues; medical issues; quality of life versus independence; and all the things we have come to know represent life situations and choices both for the elderly and their baby boomer children, who are mostly grandparents and even  great-grandparents themselves.

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